Another Campfire Douchebag

28 sec

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Yet another genius that put an aerosol can in the fire and then hits it with a stick. Here's your sign...

. Douchebag Campfire Another

Yet another genius that put an aerosol can in the fire and then hits it with a stick. Here's your sign...


Next time do it right use a propane tank.

starting fluid works best
id still like to see his burns
new splode rule: no vid post of moron gettin blown up unless they show his injuries

*sniff* I love this country.

Where the hell did he go ?

Brit scum - typical behavior.

Funny shit- everyone is laughing at the guy rather than asking him if he's alright! Haha...good friends you got there pal!

They are Poms! What a guess. No wonder their cricket team can't do any good...

Where'd he go?

Natural Selection

haha what a retard

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