A user submitted video iof Tannerite in a microwave, Thanks Tracey!!!
If she was a real sniper wearing that outfit, I don't think her spotter would be doing any spotting ...
G4TV's Alison Haislip visits the full auto shoot in OK.
A two liter bottle of tannerite puts a hurtin on this camper. I have never heard a laugh like this ...
Throw a little Tannerite in a big doll ...
4lbs of Tannerite blows up a pesky beaver dam. Tannerite makes all your old mundane chores fun ...
These farmers really hate coyotes, and after their hunt they used some tannerite to speed up the ...
I don't care what anyone says, the guys running this gun range have the greatest job in the world. ...
4 lbs ...
Strap 3 gallons of gas to some tannerite and get your woman to shoot it. Now thats good fun no ...
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