Pat Frankovich of and a friend had 50-pounds of Tannerite and apparently a ...
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
Isn't it funny how every sniper movie out there has at least one scene where someone takes a round ...
Well I suppose that you clear a room like this and it would insure that there would be no pesky ...
A great collection of Military footage put to testosterone rich music.
These soldiers have had enough with one of their printers and decided it's fate be death by grenade ...
Watch this hot Russian chick send rounds down range
Excitement provided by the weapons. Music provided by I think a mixture of Konami and an elevator ...
A soldier firing a recoiless rifle at a mountain.
Penn & Teller give us their take on gun laws and stereotypes. They have some really good points. ...
Beneath Chuck Norris' beard is not his chin, it's just another fist!
Can you cut down a tree with a machine gun? Shit yea, it just depends on how many bullets you ...