The Multiple Launch Rocket System is a high-mobility automatic system based on an M270 weapons ...
A great video of a the testing of the Javelin anti tank missile being fired at a T-72 Russian tank. ...
If only all car bombings went like this...
Japan had these guys so brainwashed it was not even funny. Must have been a very scary fighting an ...
These guys stage a mock battle using RC planes. Looks like they spend more money than gun people ...
A short clip of a mortar team going to work.
This guy lights some firecrackers behind his wife while she is handling a .45. Not a very smart or ...
As if it weren't enough just to stab someone, now you can stab them, freeze their internal organs, ...
These soldiers smash 2lbs of C4 in the bottom of a propane tank and set it off with some det cord.
First come the blasts: The thunderous sounds of more than 100 tons of explosives ripping through ...
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
The Assault Breacher Vehicle (aka Grizzly) is a heavily modified M1 with some serious teeth. If ...
Setting off 5 gallons of gasoline using some detonation cord makes for a nice fireball!
To test the strength of the nuclear power plant walls, the government crashed an old F4 into one at ...
Sgt. Billy Fudgepacker has a public service announcement for you. Road head sounds good, BUT can ...
He was last seen raping and pillaging in a hunting zone. Keep a sharp eye out for him and feel ...
A great spoof set to Hotel California. Keep your heads down and come back to us in one piece for ...
A user submitted video iof Tannerite in a microwave, Thanks Tracey!!!
A well done little video of the Deagle in 44 magnum.
Excitement provided by the weapons. Music provided by I think a mixture of Konami and an elevator ...
So since this thing technically is still a BB gun, can I still shoot it in my backyard? This thing ...