Its safe to say that Steve Lee likes guns......Thanks Bob!
This guy takes a 9mm from a couple feet away. The only vest I would even think about trying this ...
This guys tactical training is of the highest caliber. Obviously he has been trained well in ...
Here is a video from of an IPSC stage from the 2007 Space City Challenge held in Houston Texas. A ...
A bunch of heavy recoils and morons put together. I always laugh at videos like this but come one, ...
Gene Wilder defends himself with a hard on. What it's kind of gun related video...
It seems to me that they are missing the big picture or at least the foresight to realize that this ...
This guy lights some firecrackers behind his wife while she is handling a .45. Not a very smart or ...
It's a bit long but worth the watch! After Pia learned that her friend had been killed by a ...
How to properly put on a bra while kicking ass. Personally I like to women taking them off more, ...
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This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder