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Gene Wilder defends himself with a hard on. What it's kind of gun related video...
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
This is truely a hand cannon! One of the few that hangs with the Deagle.
If you are the only woman in a bored to death maintenance crew, this could happen to you. Her ...
Mr. T has a minigun that shoots Snickers bars......whats cooler than that? I wonder if that ...
A user submitted video iof Tannerite in a microwave, Thanks Tracey!!!
I'm not a country music fan ,but this is pretty damn catchy! The fallen founding fathers of the ...
She wasn't prepared for the deagle's kick and takes it on the nose.
Travis Tomasie, competition IPSC shooter, can reload faster than anyone I've ever seen. He is not ...
A mock cell phone that fires 4 .22 rounds from inside using the cell buttons. Sometimes I wish ...
...people kill people. A clip from American Dad, I wish my pantry looked like that.
It's a little known fact that the Taliban loves their football. This video pretty much explains ...