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How to properly put on a bra while kicking ass. Personally I like to women taking them off more, but hey wudaya gonna do...
One of the best clips on this whole site!
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
Here is some high speed footage of a hollow point bullet passing through a block of ballistic gel. ...
Not such a good idea to stand directly behind the guy shooting the 4 bore. The guy in this video ...
If you are the only woman in a bored to death maintenance crew, this could happen to you. Her ...
A two liter bottle of tannerite puts a hurtin on this camper. I have never heard a laugh like this ...
A nice commentary by Gunny Boudreax about burning shitters in Fallujah, Iraq that have been fouled ...
If you have ever asked someone why they feel the need to carry a gun, then this video is for you. ...
A tribute to those lost in the 9/11/01 attack on our country. We ask that you all take a moment ...
A funny spoof of a discussion on making a waiting period to obtain a suicide bomb vest. We at ...
This chick can shoot a bow with her feet and actually hit things! Who cares if she's a good shot, ...
This little old lady has a surprise for anyone who tries to steal her purse. She shows the target ...
One of the best clips on this whole site!