The fastest and most enjoyable way to carve a turkey is with a .50cal! Special thanks to Kevin ...
This guy lines up 15 old hard drives to see how many a.50 cal round from his Serbu will go through ...
5 sheets of ballistic glass put together are tested with different rifles. They test the .50cal, ...
Footage of a Barrett M82a1 .50 caliber sending 10 shots into a dune buggy. If this thing ran ...
This is what a .50cal round would do to your head. This is a short slow motion clip of a pumpkin ...
She wasn't prepared for the deagle's kick and takes it on the nose.
First round through a 50 with a loose barrel sends it flying. "You didn't tighten the barrel back ...
Another Future Weapons clip covering the AS-50 anti material rifle. The Brits have outdone ...
This guy has some serious stones to try this. I'm sure he didn't actually hit anything that he was ...
I guess this proves that you can fire a .50cal while standing. Gotta be tough to actually hit ...
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Not sure what they are shooting at but they are hitting it. Not for the squeamish, its a bit ...
Well I suppose that you clear a room like this and it would insure that there would be no pesky ...
I tell you one thing, she sure has great posture! I'd pay for 223 all day just to watch! The can ...
This douche tries to pull the pin with his teeth and drops the live grenade at his feet, almost ...
The Mythbusters test how deep bullets fired into the water are still lethal. They ran tests with a ...
One of those crappy roadside fireworks places set a blaze! The patrons prolly got sick of all the ...
The CV90 is a family of modular ground combat vehicles designed to carry out the most part of ...
Yes hello can I get that .17 in the mini gun flavor please? COOOOL
Took place in Afghanistan, looks like Allah turned his back on this poor shlep.