This Apache pilot puts his bird on the deck and comes up right behind a Humvee crew on the move. ...
Our boys find a VBIED and decide to expend it from a safe distance with the MK19 grenade launcher. ...
First round through a 50 with a loose barrel sends it flying. "You didn't tighten the barrel back ...
This lucky airman gets a crash course in operating the MK19 40mm grenade launcher mounted on a ...
There are three different tow missiles launched. The last one is the best, view from inside the ...
What a great stress relief, it's better than the water show at the Bellagio.
A cool view of a soldier on the M240 from below. Watch your neck for hot casings.
This anti air equipped Humvee puts the beat down on some aircraft targets.
Don't you just wish that you could get away with this here once and a while? All the other drivers ...
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This guys gets a few miss fires and it looks like he had a round lodged in the barrel. When he ...
Massive Tannerite Shockwave! Can you say Splode!
If he were a real man we would attempt shooting this thing himself...Fairy
Are your whites not getting white enough? Well just add 1 package of super ultra power hand ...
Some great tannerite and propane footage. The last boom has an awsome close up camera view.
A fantastic montage of Apache Infrared footage of attacks. Set to some Evanescence, some of the ...
Who knew it would actually splode!
This guy must really believe in his product to let someone shoot him from a few feet away. He also ...
Someone should have told Haji that fact cause he shoots it into the wall in front of him and frags ...
I'm not sure who's worse, the hunter for aiming in the same spot 3 times when his sights/scope were ...