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Crikey! look at this lil beauty of a bomb, what a lil rippa! Maybe I'm just a doof but I just love the vids of our boys goofing around over there, funny stuff!
Great Parody
That's just wrong! Respect the explosives if you want them to respect you!
if them things are real that cracker is a crazy mofo
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I'm not a country music fan ,but this is pretty damn catchy! The fallen founding fathers of the ...
This soldier's HP printer stopped working and they really came through for him, NOT! He introduces ...
A nice demo of the H+K XM8 assault rifle. This rifle has some great features that were well ...
You can guess who won this match up, what a dumbass.
A funny Coors Light commercial from the Gunny.
A 12 year old boy writes the Mythbusters and asked them to blow up his parents car. They were more ...
If only all car bombings went like this...
Some great slow motion footage of a bomb penetrating concrete.
A nice piece on metal storm, an electronically fired bullet system that enables them to stack ...
Mr. T has a minigun that shoots Snickers bars......whats cooler than that? I wonder if that ...
Great Parody
That's just wrong! Respect the explosives if you want them to respect you!
if them things are real that cracker is a crazy mofo