
Sick of Camping/Hunting In a Lame Ass Tent?

Ok I love going out into the wilderness to do some serious shooting, but sleeping in a tent on the dam ground is not my favorite thing in the world, more of a necessary evil for the sought after location.

Update on the Gun Ban In Australia

Is there a chance that this just might go under "told you so?"

Australian Gun Law Update

From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in Australia

Sign the Petition: Save The Second!

Sign the Petition: Save The Second!


1 min 6 sec | 5650 views

Bush Signs Gun-Control Legislation

Way to push this one through when no one was looking. It passed with a lot of the Senate chairs empty due to the holidays.
I hope they have their shit good and together when they deem someone "mentally ill" and not just say it's because they were in combat.

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Armed Customer Stops Grocery Store Robbery

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A customer at a grocery store stopped an armed robbery by pulling his own gun and holding the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived, authorities said.

Men Shot With .357 as They Traced It for Tattoo Pattern

CHAPARRAL, N.M. — Getting a tattoo can be a painful proposition, but usually it's just the needle you have to worry about.

Two men trying to trace a loaded .357-caliber Magnum as a pattern for a tattoo accidentally shot themselves, the Otero County Sheriff's Department said Monday.

A dramatic 911 call from the Pasadena man who allegedly shot and killed two burglers

A dramatic 911 call from the Pasadena man who allegedly shot and killed two burglers

At about 2pm Wednesday, Joe Horn called 911 from inside his Pasadena home. He says he saw two men ...

8 min 34 sec | 13317 views

Merry Christmas from SplodeTV!

We at SplodeTV would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.

Say Thanks to Our Troops!

Xerox is sponsoring a great program that lets you send a thank you postcard to one of our troops serving in Iraq for free. You get to choose the art on the postcard drawn by elementary school students from all over the country. Please take a moment today to jot down your thoughts and thank a soldier yourself for putting it all on the line for the rest of us.

Get Everything You Need For Your FFL License

So you want to become a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer. With this exclusive kit you will learn how to apply right the first time and start saving and making profits by selling firearms. We provide in depth instructions and help from applying to setting up shop. We know what it takes to get your FFL.

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