Ever wonder why you are required to wear a chicken vest when firing the MK19? The last thing you ...
A nice mix of guns and splosions...very well done
Don't like your AK anymore? Well then just do like captian cool guy here...
If you've ever wondered how to bump fire, aka "the poor mans machinegun" this video is for joo! ...
If Quentin Tarantino ever directed an UZI video, it might look something like this. Prolly with ...
Yes hello can I get that .17 in the mini gun flavor please? COOOOL
Excitement provided by the weapons. Music provided by I think a mixture of Konami and an elevator ...
If this doesn't get you fired up then you might be dead!
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
In light of the 4th here are some firework vids. This is a firework factory that caught fire. ...
5 sheets of ballistic glass put together are tested with different rifles. They test the .50cal, ...
If you are going to go out for a nice day of plinking in the woods, at least bring a good belt ...
A tribute formation fly over 22 tomcats strong! This formation was one of the final active flights ...
A UAV observes these insurgents plating a roadside IED and takes them out with a Hellfire missile.
This swat team over does their breach explosives just a tad. The blast pretty much takes the room ...
Security cam footage of the bridge in Minneapolis as it collapses. Our prayers go out the victims ...
This poor bastard can't even take a leak without someone shooting at him. When you gotta go you ...
First come the blasts: The thunderous sounds of more than 100 tons of explosives ripping through ...
Please place your head between your legs and kiss your sweet ass goodbye! This was an attempt at ...