A cool clip from the show Shootout on The History Channel. It's a testimonial of a Marine squad ...
This lucky airman gets a crash course in operating the MK19 40mm grenade launcher mounted on a ...
Something about pretty women with rifles just does it for me. This is a video compilation of ...
They made a second Future Weapons episode with more tests on Dragon Skin including a frag grenade ...
There are three different tow missiles launched. The last one is the best, view from inside the ...
This new suppression device is all the rage, and stylish too! Keep your eyes peeled for the new ...
I don't care what anyone says, the guys running this gun range have the greatest job in the world. ...
This Navy deck gun finishes off a junk boat.
He's not invited, but he's coming in anyway. I would not want to be in there.
What a great stress relief, it's better than the water show at the Bellagio.
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This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
Shooting bottles that explode in a fire ball is something that I will have to try! Not sure whats ...
Some great tannerite and propane footage. The last boom has an awsome close up camera view.
This crazy chick lets her friends smear something on her bare ass and light it on fire.
Its safe to say that Steve Lee likes guns......Thanks Bob!
If this doesn't get you fired up then you might be dead!
4 lbs ...
Ever wonder why you are required to wear a chicken vest when firing the MK19? The last thing you ...
A tourist fires a RPG that they bought from a scratch and dent sale.
These guys have a Glock race, and the guy with the Glock 18 wins. Duh.
The effects of a torpedo on a destoyer...Nasty...