The Metal Storm is capable of firing at an incredible rate of 1,000,000 rounds per minute. It's so ...
This poor guy gets a bad AT4 and it malfunctions on him. It destroyed the end of the firing tube ...
This poor unsuspecting soldier gets dump trucked while trying to drop a deuce in a portapotty. ...
Here's a cool clip of some of the greatest gun from the WWII era. There is some newer boom sticks ...
Also known as a burner run, you anchor the plane to the ground and light the afterburner. Who's ...
This guy obviously shit piles on purpose, but it's still kind of funny...
A funny soldier made video of one guy holding a ballistic plate over his head, and the other ...
This is a test video of the Marine Corps' new Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (EFV) armed with a Mk. ...
Footage of a JDAM air strike called down on an IED factory in Iraq. Looks like they are out of ...
A night time shoot of at least 6 guys with flame throwers lighting it up. The boys down at Knob ...
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A comparative study about the features of the american M16 assault rifle and the russian AK 47. ...
Hey I need to light my bonfire, does anyone have a lighter? No I left my lighter at home, but I ...
This Bikini clad pistoleer shows her stuff with her Glock.
I'm not sure who's worse, the hunter for aiming in the same spot 3 times when his sights/scope were ...
This a news report about the effects of gun laws on actual gun crime rates. Taking the guns out of ...
An AK47 ruins this mowers day even more than it already was.
The Navy blows up their super secret underwater septic tank PU! Where's Mike Rowe when you need ...
This fantastic vehicle mounted system will detect, classify, track, and intercept incoming anti ...
Not really a challenge to have a good grouping from that close, but sure is fun to watch her try.
A great video displaying the 50cal with different rounds vs. a range of different target materials. ...