Not such a good idea to stand directly behind the guy shooting the 4 bore. The guy in this video ...
Looks like it's much easier to duel wield the 44 magnum deagles, than the
A clip of the 20mm Hispano-Suiza ripping up a hillside. Sitting on this thing for a while is sure ...
These guys have a Glock race, and the guy with the Glock 18 wins. Duh.
This monster fires a 2000 grain bullet! If you plan on hunting elephants, or you just need to make ...
A nice demo of the H+K XM8 assault rifle. This rifle has some great features that were well ...
Yes thats what I said, this bolt action rifle chambers two rounds at the same time in seprate ...
So since this thing technically is still a BB gun, can I still shoot it in my backyard? This thing ...
This is a clip from Future Weapons explaining the new MP7. It's a new hybrid with the size and ...
Here's a guy with a nice group of weapons including a Glock 18, MP5, SIG 550, and a P90. He also ...
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This poor guy gets a bad AT4 and it malfunctions on him. It destroyed the end of the firing tube ...
Awsome weapon! This is a clip from the show Future Weapons. Some times the host is a little over ...
Check out this little full auto suppressed .22
The M26 shotgun can be mounted under barrel of the M4, like the M203. It packs the extra needed ...
I'm not a country music fan ,but this is pretty damn catchy! The fallen founding fathers of the ...
A funny spoof of a discussion on making a waiting period to obtain a suicide bomb vest. We at ...
Massive Tannerite Shockwave! Can you say Splode!
First he uses a dragon's breath shotgun round to ignite the gas, then shoots the propane tank with ...
This guy gets bashed in the head by a spinning cannon. Not the smartest thing to do.
Unlike this chick the saw will only make noise when you want it to. I'll take the M249 thank you ...