Well at least I think it's an M249 with the hand guards taken off but it could be something else. ...
This is why you should always watch where you are going when you are holding a loaded gun. It ...
The M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System (or M110 SASS) is a semi-automatic rifle that uses 7.62 mm ...
They made a second Future Weapons episode with more tests on Dragon Skin including a frag grenade ...
This poor guy was just plinking away with his Smith & Wesson 500 magnum, when his scope sheared off ...
I don't care what anyone says, the guys running this gun range have the greatest job in the world. ...
You can clearly see the barrels heating up and glowing.
A well done little video of the Deagle in 44 magnum.
This briefcase hides an MP5 and can fire from inside the case. I'm not sure what you would use this ...
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This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
The Metal Storm is capable of firing at an incredible rate of 1,000,000 rounds per minute. It's so ...
Here's a documentary clip on Navy seal snipers.
Awsome weapon! This is a clip from the show Future Weapons. Some times the host is a little over ...
News Report from 1970 when some idiots decided that the proper way to get rid of an 8 ton dead ...
The size of the hole in the ground after is impressive. Need a swimming pool dug fast?
This chick handles the big Barrett pretty well for just a little thing. Gotta love the camera ...
This arrow head has blades that spin out on the sides and takes their heads right off. I'm not a ...
Small arms fire sets off this SUV full of explosives while crossing a bridge over troubled waters.
She looks like she's barely holding on to that AK. "Hi my name is Patty, my favorite gun is the ...
This guy rips through an IPSC stage with a helmet cam on.