Please take a moment today to remember those we lost 7 years ago today on that dark day for our country.
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The New AT4 round the AST, can be used it two modes. It can breach a structure to provide entry, ...
This cop almost kills their suspect and he partner when she accidentally fires a bullet inches ...
Southwest Industrial Gases, Inc., a welding supply company in Dallas, TX goes Kaboom.
Grenade launcher with a six round drum. This beast can fire all six grenades in three seconds.
It's a bit long but worth the watch! After Pia learned that her friend had been killed by a ...
I know I know nothing blows up in this video, but it's our site and we make the rules dammit! Jeff ...
In light of the 4th here are some firework vids. This is a firework factory that caught fire. ...
Penn & Teller give us their take on gun laws and stereotypes. They have some really good points. ...
Small arms fire sets off this SUV full of explosives while crossing a bridge over troubled waters.
I can tell you first hand how much fun these are. The melons don't stand a chance.