We at SplodeTV felt the below email was worth reprinting here. SplodeTV salutes you Sears!
Buy and sell guns,knives,and ammo in online auctions easily! Buying/selling weapons is legal and easy using online auctions!
This guide will help you through every step towards becoming an FFL license holder
Not such a good idea to stand directly behind the guy shooting the 4 bore. The guy in this video ...
The CV90 is a family of modular ground combat vehicles designed to carry out the most part of ...
Ok folks, this is why we don't play with guns. I don't know what they are spouting off about but ...
Dubbed the Angel, here's a C-130 deploying flare countermeasures. It leaves smoke angel behind.
First come the blasts: The thunderous sounds of more than 100 tons of explosives ripping through ...
CCTV footage of firebomb attack on nightclub - AthertonPolice have issued CCTV footage of the ...
Yes thats what I said, this bolt action rifle chambers two rounds at the same time in seprate ...
RAF Harrier GR7's having some fun with their American buddies in Afghanistan.
A short clip of a guy emptying a P90 one handed. I love how you can see through the magazine and ...
Here's a nice little demonstration of the difference in your results when using hollow point and ...