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I doubt this guy will be able to hear anytime soon...
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Who doesnt love these guys? This video shows the platoon's 2007 performance at a Denver Nuggets ...
This lightweight field cannon is much lighter, faster and can fit into a C-130 and be deployed all ...
Based on the Navy's design, Phalanx is used to shoot down incoming fire in Iraq. I bet theres no ...
This A-10 swoops in and opens a can of whoop ass on an enemy held hill. These nasties just bark out ...
This is what happens if you strap a chopper down while its running. The forces of the rotors rip ...
Well I suppose that you clear a room like this and it would insure that there would be no pesky ...
The CornerShot is a shoulder fire rig that allows you to mount a pistol to it and view/shoot around ...
Small arms fire sets off this SUV full of explosives while crossing a bridge over troubled waters.
This guy obviously shit piles on purpose, but it's still kind of funny...
On closer inspection they found a made in Taiwan sticker on the wonder.