A short video clip of a guy shooting holes in the water with a canned up MP5 and a walther P22.
This is a great user submitted video that has it all. Dual MP5's, chicks with AK's, and just ...
The staff of ImpactGuns go out for a machine gun shoot. God I wish I worked for these guys! Talk ...
Here's a cool clip of some of the greatest gun from the WWII era. There is some newer boom sticks ...
Just when I thought that I had seen it all, here comes this moron. First it just looks like a cool ...
Magpul's concept for a very small and portable submachine gun. It folds to a very slick little ...
The Masada is a new weapon platform designed by Magpul Industries which is scheduled to be publicly ...
More info on the Bushmaster ACR from the 2008 Shot Show. I can't wait to get my hands on one of ...
This A-10 swoops in and opens a can of whoop ass on an enemy held hill. These nasties just bark out ...
Check out this little full auto suppressed .22
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It's a good thing the guy doing the lighting was already bald, otherwise he'd look like the Ghost ...
Grenade launcher with a six round drum. This beast can fire all six grenades in three seconds.
Thank God this IED was buried a little too deep to harm our boys in green(well tan). The ...
The effects of a whole lot of energy in a small amount of time. A US Navy test to see how war ...
Mr. T has a minigun that shoots Snickers bars......whats cooler than that? I wonder if that ...
A funny Xbox commercial for their Grand Slam Hunting game. Git er done...
This police sniper ends a suicide stand off by shooting the gun out of a man's hand, what a great ...
This is footage of the prototype unmanned helicopter with an AA-12 automatic 12 gauge shotgun ...
Japan had these guys so brainwashed it was not even funny. Must have been a very scary fighting an ...
Santa tells Haji that he thinks they are on his naughty list!